Seeking Balance……
2 min readJul 22, 2020
I have Three eyes. Two to look and One to See — Bellamor
I have Three eyes. Two to look and One to See — Bellamor

Scientifically named the Pineal gland. The third eye is not physical. It is a metaphor for the awakening of our insight. It symbolizes a bridge of enlightenment.

When our energies reach to their peak within, we see things in life beyond normal. We move to a higher plane of perception. Seeing inward expands the limitations of awareness.

Our insight eye leads us to the inner realm and higher consciousness. Knowledge continues to multiply and one becomes stable in life. Chaos around cannot disturb you.

Once we start the journey on this bridge, we connect to wisdom of the Universe. By using our intuitions wisely, life moves with grace. One becomes more conscious of what you create inside manifests the form of our outside world.

If we see each other with a third eye, we will begin to know each other on a different level, beyond what our physical eyes can see.

Ever heard about the 3rd eye kiss? Kissing someone in the center of the forehead (between brows a slightly up) with a thought of compassion for that person activates the pineal gland and brings them a sense of security and well-being. It can be very healing and an uplifting experience. Try it with people you love and care for. The more you do it, the more you will see results.

No-one is in control of what happens around them, but one can always be in control of what happens within. Try to see more with your Eye and less with eyes.

